It's all to inspire, support and empower fellow introvert, quiet and camera-shy business owners to confidently show up, be the face of their business, build a more personal brand, and sell more.
It's all about being more you, putting more of you into your brand, showing up as you. Then finding the visibility and marketing strategies that suit you and get them working more effectively, making your business more fun, sustainable and aligned to you (- and taking away the stress & overwhelm of trying to be an extrovert!)
This page shows what is currently available. Everything is listed in the following categories (in order from free upwards) - click on the images for more info and to sign up for anything:
1) Being more visible & marketing your business; 2) Being the face of your business; 3) Building a more personalised, strategic & effective brand; 4) Designing a more beautiful, personal and cohesive brand and branding; 5) Brand & business strategy.
- Or get it all!: The Brand Plan Membership & work 1:1 with me in The Brand Accelerator
And 6) Plus for MemberVault users because I love it: scroll down for page design & copy templates, with more support coming soon!]
(Find the products you own already by signing in here and they'll be listed at the top under 'My Products' before 'Available Products')
- Go VIP with the 1:1 option and fast-track getting your superstar brand totally nailed, so that it's all working effectively for you to market your business and create the impact and income you want. Updated info coming soon.
- The Membership: £49 a month for Classic level, or £1000 a year (£87 a month) for Elite level. Come and join my cosy boutique membership for mentoring from me and support from the lovely community of fellow introvert business owners who know how you feel. Learn to love and use your introvert strengths and lose the stress and struggle and overwhelm of trying to market your business the extrovert way. Get access to my membership-exclusive Visibility Roadmap trainings to take you step by step through creating your brand, growing your visibility and marketing with introvert-friendly strategies that will work for you. With monthly challenges and a whole lot of gentle support and accountability to help you take action and not keep hiding away!
📈Ready to turn your mess into something a lot more organised? To know your numbers? Have a way to track your sales better? To feel like you're creating and following the right strategy for you, that works towards your business vision? To keep track of your goals and what you want to do when? To make reviewing your year so much easier this time next year?!
My new Strategy Tracker Toolkit contains lots of sheets you can print and fill in throughout the year to keep track of all your numbers and other useful stuff like goals, achievements, sales/expenses/profit, social media followers and other key numbers etc. Anything you want to track in your business so you know how it is going and how it is growing - or work out what to do instead.
There's also a load of planners in there too, so you can plan those goals out, plan your social media content, blog content, emails and more, and even daily and weekly to do lists so you can stay on top of it all! ➡️Get it now for just £47 >>>
Free - Take my quick and easy quiz to find out if you're an introvert! Plus what to do next to embrace it and build a business that works for you.
Free - My PDF e-book sharing my top ten introvert-friendly secrets and strategies to increase your visibility.
The Confident Visibility Summit 2025. Interested in attending next year's online summit? Join the wait list here to find out more nearer the time...
£37 - Daily social media content prompts and tips for a month, giving you ideas of what to talk about to share more of you and your brand with your audience.
Live rounds happen every November - buy now and get the live accountability included!
£37 - Grab this Content Calendar of 365 post prompts ready to use to grow your audience, brand and business with! Plus lots of bonus tips, scroll stopping hooks and more!
£397 - How to create compelling content that connects with and converts your audience, supercharge your content planning and strategy, and giving you tons of ideas for what to post and create. Including modules on creating content that is aligned with you and your brand, using your messaging magic and the secrets of storytelling...
£77 - My Introvert's Guide To Getting In Photos - 7 Mindset Lessons + 7 Take Action Lessons to build your confidence, banish your nerves, and boost your brand! Feel happier being in front of a camera, feel better about sharing pictures of you, and get confidently out there as the face of your business.
Now just £97 - Start with selfies! Tons of tips and all my insider secrets to turn you into a selfie superstar! Including lighting, angles, editing and much more. Show up in photos and connect with your audience more easily.
My live taught signature course - learn to DIY your own branding photos with on-brand selfies and self portraits. Signing up for the 2024 round will be here shortly!
£37 - Course, workbook and bonus challenge bundle - how to find and get to know your ideal clients or customers, and work out/refine your niche: you need both together to be able to focus your brand, visibility and marketing, and find it much easier to sell.
£347 course - How to take your ordinary bland brand and turn it into a strong strategic brand that is also personal to you. All the foundations of your brand from your mission, message and vision, to your ideal client, niche, and what you do. All the steps to create your brand from the beginning, or refresh, strengthen and personalise what you already have, so you can stand out authentically and shine as the star of your brand and business.
Free - Take my free quiz to discover your brand style! Which season are you? Find your perfect brand personality and style, and learn how to use it to design your beautiful, meaningful and stand out brand.
£9 - Branding Guidelines template, and how to use it. Get your go-to tool for staying on-brand without the overwhelm, and keep your branding beautiful, consistent and stress-free.
£47 course Pre-Sale (> will be £147) - to help you to work out your brand vibe keywords, and show you how to use them effectively. Taking you from confused brand to brilliant brand, giving you confidence and clarity, and a brand that captivates and converts your audience. This is my own method for how I teach my photography and my brand clients to build a stand out brand that is also personal and unique to you.
£247 course Pre-Sale (> will be £397) - The branding course! Learn about and design your own branding - this course covers your brand style, choosing colours and fonts, logo, graphics and more, and how to make it all much more personalised to you. With my easy to follow step by step guides, you can do it all yourself even if you don't feel very creative, and still design a professional looking beautiful brand. Pre-Sale available soon ;)
£397 course - my smartphone photography online course for business owners, covers taking photos, composing, editing photos, photographing products, photographing all the behind the scenes images for your social media, how to get all your photos aligned with your brand, plus how to plan and take a set of brand stock images.
JOIN NOW FOR THE LIVE ROUND THROUGHOUT MARCH 2025 - Save 50% before the end of Feb with the coupon code FEB25
£47 course - Want to make some extra income without much effort? Get my beginners step by step guide to evergreen affiliate marketing
and how to get started!
£47 toolkit - a whole collection of planners and trackers to keep track of all your plans and goals, visibility and achievements, and more! Stay focused, organised, and know your numbers.
£197 workbook course - This is a whole course to help you thoroughly organise and plan your business and strategy for the year! A set of five workbooks full of info, to work through and complete in your own time. Review your previous year, write your business vision, set some goals, learn about all the strategy you need to grow your business, and then make the plans to make it happen. With a bonus sixth workbook to help you stick to those plans!
£27 course - Ready to start or re-start blogging? Here's how to create your strategy and get your first/next blog planned and created in 5 easy to follow steps.
Just a reminder now that you've scrolled down past the rest of the courses and resources in The Introvert Brand Academy, that my membership The Brand Plan has it all! Get everything in the Elite level, or unlock them all the longer you stay a member at the Classic level. Both levels get immediate access to the membership-exclusive core trainings of 75+ Brand & Visibility Roadmap lessons to take you step by step through creating your brand, growing your visibility and marketing your business with introvert-friendly strategies that will work for you - work through them all in order or pick and mix what you need most.
Brand + visibility + marketing + strategy + selling: introvert friendly strategies and support to help you confidently show up, stand out, sell more, and thrive.
£49 a month for Classic, or £1000 a year (£87 a month payment plan) for Elite. Come and join my cosy yet inspiring membership for mentoring from me and support from the lovely community of fellow introvert business owners who know how you feel. Learn to love and use your introvert strengths and lose the stress, struggle and overwhelm of trying to market your business the extrovert way. With monthly challenges and a whole lot of gentle support and accountability to help you take action and not keep hiding away!
And finally, a little selection for fellow MemberVault users - free and paid page templates to use in MemberVault - Links Page + Sales Page available, more coming soon!
Free + Paid - page templates to help you make the most of your MemberVault website and easily add more pages. For beginners, with tips and full instructions, or just to make things easier for you. No coding required, they just use the MV Page Builder. Click the image above to see which pages are currently available.
Don't need any of the freebies above? Keep in touch by joining the list here for my Building Your Introvert Brand emails, for brand and visibility tips, and hear about new offers and upcoming events. Helping you to build a brilliant brand and a sustainable business, all aligned with who you are so you can confidently show up, stand out and sell more. Plus get my weekly Monday Motivation tips to help you thrive as an introvert entrepreneur:
Join my free community Your Brand Story over on Facebook for tips, chat, networking and visibility opportunities and support:
Rather not be on Facebook?! Subscribe to my email list, or become a client or student, and you'll get an invite to join The Introvert Brand Builders Hub, my client/student/subscriber community and free resource hub, here in The Introvert Brand Academy. But you can click the button below to join and sign up to my emails at the same time ;)
Get to know me and the Academy, tell me about you and what you need, find out if you're an introvert, access my free resources, and join in the community hub:
Read more about brand and branding, visibility and marketing, and being an introvert entrepreneur in my free content online:
Find out the story of me and my business, and why I do what I do, over on the About Me page:
Love my stuff? Share it with your friends and followers and get rewarded:
*Everything Page idea used with permission from Lizzy Goddard. Check hers out here for fabulous offers for multi-passionate online business owners.
And here's her $9 training to create your own Everything Page (affiliate links).